SHOW IT! Cast your vote today!
The Rochester Regional Library Council
(RRLC) will recognize three great libraries in the Rochester area: one
public library; one academic or special library; and one school library
in honor of National Library Week this coming April.
What makes a great library?
According to a posting on the Library Leadership Network, great libraries:
• Provide superior service
• Train and re-train their staff
• Are well supported by their communities or parent institutions
• Integrate the marketing of virtual, place, and outreach services
• Serve both the weakest and the strongest among their constituents
• Provide education and, as appropriate, entertainment
• Use virtual tools to offer a full range of timely information and services
Click here to vote online or visit the library for a paper ballot.
Voting will take place between March 1st-20th
Voting will take place between March 1st-20th
Thank you for your support!